May 3rd is a girl's day in Japan. It is a day of celebration in which parents decorate odairisama and wish for good health of girls. Girls invite their girl friends, have some snack, little bit of sake( why not, ha) and show off their hinamatsuri decoration.
my aunt has a 7 stage odairisama which consists of:
1. Prince & princess
2. Three girl servants, every girl needs them.
3. Five musicians
4. Two royal guards and feast
5. Three male servants, maybe for the prince
6&7. gifts/offerings/possession?
She also made them herself. The size of decoration varies from house to house. She had them out earlier than usual to show jamie how to set them up.
my aunt has a 7 stage odairisama which consists of:
1. Prince & princess
2. Three girl servants, every girl needs them.
3. Five musicians
4. Two royal guards and feast
5. Three male servants, maybe for the prince
6&7. gifts/offerings/possession?
She also made them herself. The size of decoration varies from house to house. She had them out earlier than usual to show jamie how to set them up.